Thursday, March 11, 2021 6pm to 7pm
About this Event
How do you develop an AI strategy that drives growth metrics?
AI is becoming a critical function for the company's growth. The strategy, however, is often developed poorly. It lacks a critical focus on business growth and investment benefits.
Join entrepreneur Shekhar Deo, MS, in a free, two-part webinar covering the basics of AI strategy development to drive growth. Deo teaches—AI for Startup Executives and Business Managers—starting April 1.
PART I TOPICS (March 11)
Register here for Part I
Deo will help you to understand leadership requirements to drive higher business growth and methods that help you dive deep into an organization’s needs.
Register here
In the second part of this webinar series, Deo discusses how AI drives higher operational and strategic measures, helping organizations be more efficient and effective.
Bring your questions!
The Silicon Valley Startup series is a joint UCSC SIlicon Valley Extension project with Silicon Valley Ignite.
Register for each night separately.
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