Friday, June 7, 2024 4pm to 5pm
About this Event
191 Baskin Cir, Santa Cruz, CA 95064
The UC Santa Cruz Genomics Institute and Science and Justice Research Center are excited to be supporting Associate Professor Karen Miga in opening up the speaker portion of her BME 80G Bioethics in the 21st Century course to the wider UC Santa Cruz community.
Below is a list of dates and topics for these lectures, all of which will be held in the Baskin Auditorium at 4pm.
Wed 4/10 - Consciousness
Mohammed Andres Mostajo-Radji
UC Santa Cruz, Genomics Institute
Director of the Live Cell Biotechnology Discovery Lab
Mon 4/15 - Eugenics
Linda MacDonald Glenn
UC Santa Cruz, Crown College
Founding Director, Center for Applied Values and Ethics in Advanced Technologies
Fri 4/26 - Emerging Technology/AI
Debra Matthews
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Associate Director for Research and Programs at Berman Institute of Bioethics
Fri, 5/3 - Consent and Human Subject Research
Christopher Korch
University of Colorado School of Medicine
Mon, 5/6 - End of Life Ethics
Barbara Koenig
UCSF School of Nursing
Mon, 5/13 - Global Ethics
Ann Mc Cartney
UC Santa Cruz, Genomics Institute
Co-chair of the Earth BioGenome Project JEDI committee
Fri, 5/24 - Environmental Ethics
Charlotte Biltekoff
UC Davis, Food Science and Technology
Fri, 5/31 - Forensic Ethics
Cris Hughes
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Anthropology
Fri, 6/7 - Gene Editing
R. Alta Charo
University of Wisconsin-Madison Law School
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