2300 Delaware Ave, Santa Cruz, CA 95060

Presenter: Sergey Savrasov, University of California Davis


AbstractI will overview our recent works on diagonalizing BCS gap equation where the matrix elements of scattering between the Cooper pairs come from first principle evaluation of the RPA type expression based on density functional derived band structures and wave functions. This approach has an advantage of not involving tight-binding approximations widely employed in the past to calculate spin fluctuations in high Tc cuprates and other unconventional superconductors. Superconducting energy gaps, Eliashberg spectral functions, and material specific coupling constants will be evaluated for a series of cuprates, nickelates and recently discovered Kagome based vanadates. Perspective will be given whether such theory can track material dependence of Tc similar to successes of electron-phonon theory in first principle description of conventional superconductors.

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