Baskin Engineering 1156 High Street, Santa Cruz, California 95064

Presenter: Fan Lu

Description: Finding optimal control policies is one of the most important tasks in reinforcement learning. It is well known that the extension of Watkins' algorithm to general function approximation settings is challenging: does the projected Bellman equation have a solution? If so, is the solution useful in the sense of generating a good policy? And, if the preceding questions are answered in the affirmative, is the algorithm consistent? These questions are unanswered even in the special case of Q-function approximations that are linear in the parameter. The challenge seems paradoxical, given the long history of convex analytic approaches to dynamic programming. We propose a new set of reinforcement learning algorithms, called convex Q learning, based on the convex relaxation of the Bellman equation. Convergence is established under general conditions, including a linear function approximation for the Q-function. A batch implementation appears similar to the famed DQN algorithm. It is shown that in fact the algorithms are very different: while convex Q- learning solves a convex program that approximates the Bellman equation, theory for DQN is no stronger than for Watkins' algorithm with function approximation. The proposed convex Q-learning is successful in solving various examples from OpenAI Gym as well as cases where standard Q-learning diverges, such as the LQR problem.

Bio: Dr. Fan Lu is a postdoc scholar in the Department of Applied Mathematics at UCSC. Prior to joining UC Santa Cruz, Fan Lu was a research assistant in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Florida. He received his Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the University of Florida in 2023, under the guidance of Prof. Sean Meyn. His research interests include reinforcement learning, deep learning, and their applications to solving complex real-world problems, spanning domains such as robotics and biological systems.

Hosted by: Professor Marcella Gomez

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