Thursday, March 2, 2023 11am to 12pm
About this Event
Presenter: Yuanchao Xu, Ph.D. candidate, North Carolina State University
Description: Modern computing is mostly bounded by data, including AI, ML, graph frameworks, and precision medicine workloads. Many new techniques are proposed to improve their performance, including memory, accelerators, cloud computing models and architecture. This talk focuses on an important, yet under-studied area: security of new data-centric techniques. Existing defenses remain process-centric, making them inefficient or incapable of supporting secure data processing in new data-centric techniques. New data-centric techniques bring new vulnerability, new consequences of security breaches, as well as opportunities for novel solutions. How to securely and efficiently use data-centric techniques requires the community to fundamentally rethink current approaches to computer security.
This talk proposes data-centric security support for them. It introduces temporary exposure reduction-based protection (TERP) as a principled approach to addressing emerging persistent memory vulnerability. This approach combines memory exposure reduction with efficient address randomization via a software-hardware co-design. This talk then presents the abstraction-level innovation to the trusted execution environments (TEEs), which proposes a data enclave to decouple the protection of data from enclaves, addressing fundamental limitations of current TEEs. The talk concludes with some future directions on improving security in applications, new hardware, and cloud computing models and architectures.
Bio: Yuanchao Xu is a fifth-year Ph.D. candidate at North Carolina State University and a student researcher at SystemGroup@Google. His research interest lies in the areas of computer architecture and computer security, with a focus on improving memory security (ASPLOS 2020, ISCA 2020, HPCA 2022), reliability (ISCA 2021, ISCA 2022), and performance (HPCA 2021, MICRO 2021, HPCA 2023, ASPLOS 2023) through computer architecture and system software (compilers, runtime, etc.). His research has influenced the recent development of memory support in industry, with some techniques being actively pursued at Google Research. He received the Computer Science Outstanding Research Award at NCSU in 2021.
Hosted by: Professor Luca de Alfaro
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