420 Hagar Drive, Santa Cruz, California 95064

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Two speakers join us for a dialogue centering trans/feminist vernaculars of the geopolitical, and how current histories of occupation and authoritarianism have impacted feminist projects of dissent. 


Violent Intimacies: The Trans Everyday and the Making of an Urban World - Asli Zengin, Assistant Professor, Rutgers University. In her book Violent Intimacies, Prof. Zengin draws on the ethnographic history of trans communal life in Istanbul to trace how trans people in Turkey creatively negotiate and resist everyday cisheteronormative violence. 


Defiant Disrobing and Double Dissent in Feminist Thought - Naminata Diabate, Associate Professor, Cornell University. A scholar of sexuality, race, and biopolitics focused on African, African American, Caribbean, and Afro-Hispanic culture, Prof. Diabate's book, Naked Agency: Genital Cursing and Biopolitics in Africa, won the African Studies Association Best Book Award in 2021 and the African Literature First Book Prize in 2022.


Please register here. Lunch provided for registered RSVPs. The first 20 students who register to attend both sessions by January 22 will receive their choice of one of the speakers' books. 

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  • Mia Guadalupe Calderon

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