Baskin Engineering 1156 High Street, Santa Cruz, California 95064

In Spring 2021, Baskin Engineering faculty were invited to participate in a survey focused on faculty perceptions and experiences of climate, inclusivity & equity at the department, division, and campus-wide levels. The survey collected faculty's feedback on how/whether diversity, inclusion and equity (DEI) work receives due recognition, what barriers there are to doing this work, and what can be done to support this work. The survey results will be used to inform new policies and practices, to better support faculty equity & inclusion, to ensure faculty sense of belonging, and to give appropriate recognition to faculty involvement in DEI efforts. 

Pursuant to sharing what we have learned from the surveys and in the interest of facilitating discussions about our findings in this data, Associate Dean for DEI Marcella Gomez will be presenting the main findings followed by a series of discussions. 

This will be the second session of this series, focused on faculty research that supports DEI in STEM. Campus partipants are encouraged to engage in the discussions in person, but a here is a zoom link for those who would like to join virtually.


1. IRAPS Report on faculty experiences and views on climate for diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI): Monday May 6th 2024, 9-10am

2. IRAPS Report on faculty research that supports DEI in STEM: Monday May 20th 2024, 9-10am

3. IRAPS Report on faculty’s inclusive mentoring practices: Thursday May 30th 2024, 4-5pm

4. IRAPS Report on DEI aspects of faculty service: Monday June 3rd 2024, 9-10am

5. IRAPS Report on faculty’s inclusive teaching practices: Monday June 10th 2024, 9-10am

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