Join us as Professor Danny Scheie brings the old gang back together for one more show. Danny is retiring from teaching, but luckily not from the stage!

We’re presenting a live reading of his signature piece, Shakespeare's "The Comedy of Errors," to raise money for the newly established Danny Scheie Scholarship Fund and to honor Danny’s incredible impact on so many. The cost of your ticket will support this effort.

Featuring Danny himself as the Dromio twins, along with an impressive cast drawn from his hilarious 1988 production, this enthralling presentation will include talented student and professional actors he's worked with across his storied career.

Make a gift of $500 or more to be invited to a special VIP lounge with Danny and members of the cast after the show!

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Donate and register here. Links to join on Zoom will be emailed in advance of the event.

(If you’d like to make a gift via check, securities, etc., please contact Sarah Kudela, Arts Development Director.)

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Bryan Torfeh as Antipholus of Ephesus and Syracuse
Susannah Rogers as Adriana
Elizabeth Atkeson as Luciana
Bruce Young as Courtesan
Brad Myers as Abbess Emilia
Craig Souza as Balthazar
Cynthia (Branch) Lagodzinski as Luce/Nell
Danny Scheie as Dromio of Ephesus and Syracuse
Patrick Kerr as Egeon
Aldo Billingslea as Duke of Ephesus
Aysan Celik asAngelo
Kelvyn Mitchell as 1st Merchant
Sean San Jose as 2nd Merchant
Jack Zerbe as Dr. Pinch
Daniel Kent as Officer
Stephen Richter as Headsman, Jailor
Carissa Chu as Messenger

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