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200 McLaughlin Dr, Santa Cruz, California 95064
https://alumniweekend.ucsc.eduFocus on Africa (FOA) was established in 2014-15 as a vehicle for bringing Africa back to Merrill College by sending UCSC students to encounter Africa. Since that year-long engagement with contemporary African issues, Focus on Africa has been offered once or twice annually and has now grown to involve a Memorandum of Understanding between UCSC and the Cooperative University of Kenya (CUK), “virtual exchanges” with CUK students, and a soon-to-be-launched Merrill College/UC Santa Cruz summer program at CUK. Please join founder and instructor Melvin Cox, Chancellor Cindy Larive, Provost Elizabeth Abrams, and special faculty collaborators from CUK in a reunion of all FOA students, from the “pioneer” group to the most recent participants.
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