Westside Research Park, WRP-GIConfRm-Double Helix-B279

2300 Delaware Ave, Santa Cruz, CA 95060

Ilya Esterlis received his PhD from Stanford University under the supervision of Steve Kivelson, where he investigated the optimal conditions for superconductivity in electron-phonon systems. He did a postdoc at Harvard University where he studied correlated electron phenomena in 2D semiconductor materials, as well as strange metal and non-Fermi liquids phases arising in the phase diagrams of high-Tc superconductors. He is now an Assistant Professor at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, where he continues to study novel electronic phenomena in 2D materials, as well as various problems associated with conventional and unconventional superconductors.



Abstract: The low-carrier density state of a 2D semiconductor is described in terms of the homogeneous two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG), the ground state properties of which are determined by the electron density. Below a critical density, the electronic system freezes into a triangular lattice electron solid, or Wigner crystal. For experimentally relevant carrier concentrations the electron solid is highly quantum-mechanical, the significant overlap between localized electronic orbitals leading to frequent electron tunneling between Wigner crystal lattice sites. I will describe some new theoretical results exploring the consequences of these quantum effects in monolayer and bilayer 2DEG systems: In the monolayer case, increasing electron density may drive the Wigner crystal into a metallic charge-density wave state that can be understood as a quantum crystal with a finite concentration of itinerant ground-state defects, while in the bilayer case interlayer Coulomb interactions stabilize new lattice geometries in which ring-exchange processes lead to a variety of interesting magnetic ground states.


The seminar will be held on Friday 11/15, 3pm, WRP, in room B279 on the second floor of the Genomics Institute suite.

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