Do you already have experience growing seedlings but desire to expand your skills and improve outcomes? Producing high quality seedlings is a prerequisite to successful crop production. In this interactive, virtual, three day course, participants will deepen their knowledge of seed and seedling biology, the management of environmental conditions to optimize seedling development, and how to effectively regulate pests and diseases in the greenhouse.

Through presentations, short videos, interactive discussions and applied exercises, seedling growers will also build their capacity to analyze soil mixes, crop health, seedling maturation, and the systems you currently work with, all with the goal of being able to make improvements that create efficiencies and increase the quality of your crops.

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Instructor Bios: Kellee and Christof co-manage the greenhouse facilities at the 30 acre UCSC CASFS Farm, where they produce hundreds of thousands of seedlings transplants every year. Together they have over forty years of organic greenhouse production and teaching experience and are excited to facilitate the expansion of your knowledge and the health of your crops.

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