1156 High St, Santa Cruz, California 95064

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Featuring artists’ books, games, booklike objects, zines, prints, and sculptures, resist/record/repair shows a selection of works acquired (and most created) during the past year and a half of isolation, awakening, trauma, and care. Each work presents an individual effort to record an experience, resist threats to selfhood and wellness, or repair our worlds both near at hand and far away.  We see each of these creative works as a means of help and an aid to memory as we all continue the work of creating new futures together. We invite you to contemplate your own creative path while looking at these artists' works: What part does your own unique position and understanding, play in sparking your creative curiosity? What is most urgent in your mind? How do these things drive you to create? What sort of space (inside your head or around you) do you now have for creative expression and experimentation? How has that changed in the past year and a half?

Emerging and established artists featured include Israel Campos, Kara Walker, Josh MacPhee, Irene Chan, Anne Covell, Ben Passmore, Jody Alexander, and more. 

This free exhibit is open to the public on McHenry Library's  Third Floor during McHenry Library hours, through December 12, 2021.

(pictured: detail, 7 Elemental Forces by Roger Peet, 2021)

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