The UC Santa Cruz University Forum presents The lessons of COVID for global and community health with Professor Matt Sparke. Globally and nationally COVID is teaching us a great deal about the huge inequalities in vulnerability, resilience, and blame as well as instructive divergences in health system capacity, governmental response, and socio-economic disruption. While we are all in this together as human beings it has become clear that our unequal conditions of being human have made for vast variations in how the pandemic has been experienced. Professor Sparke discusses these inequalities and how teaching and research related to global and community health can contribute to developing antidotes to these devastating problems and how UCSC is especially well-positioned to contribute in this way.

Featuring Matt Sparke, professor of politics and member of the team at UCSC developing the new global and community health program at UC Santa Cruz, and Nancy Chen, professor of anthropology and former director of the UCSC Blum Center on poverty, social enterprise, and participatory governance.

Co-sponsored by the Institute for Social Transformation

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