What can we learn about marine mammal populations, as well as ocean and human health, by responding to stranded marine mammals on our shores? Explore what happens to a marine mammal carcass after it is taken off of the beach and undergoes a marine mammal necropsy (animal autopsy). What is it like to put an entire arm through the aorta of a large whale? What samples are analyzed to understand how an animal died? Why might bottlenose dolphins need a lawyer?

Please join Robin Dunkin, assistant teaching professor at UC Santa Cruz, to learn how marine mammal strandings are helping scientists to better understand the complex interactions between the health of oceans and humans, and how the data collected by marine mammal stranding networks is used to protect marine mammal populations.

Register in advance for the online Science Sunday webinar (required) HERE.

Virtual Science Sundays are offered at no charge with preregistration. Please consider supporting the Seymour Center by becoming a member or making a donation today. Thank you!

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