CASFS has been training young farmers for decades, yet the farming landscape is rapidly evolving, including the conditions that allow farming to be socially and economically viable, as well as the challenges that farmers face. Join CASFS and the National Young Farmers Coalition for a short film screening to learn more about the farming landscape and the potential pathways and opportunities for creating a farming future with vibrant and just regional food systems.

The National Young Farmers Coalition (Young Farmers) is a grassroots network of young farmers, ranchers, and advocates working to create a bright and equitable future for agriculture through organizing and policy advocacy. The short film features farmers in their network as well as their Co-Executive Directors, Martin Lemos and Sophie Ackoff and details the history of the Coalition, the challenges young farmers are currently facing, and our path to creating a bright and equitable future for agriculture. This film screening will provide an overview of the work of Young Farmers and an opportunity to dialogue directly with staff after the film.

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